Monday, September 30, 2013


I was sitting in the cafe on campus the other day and looking through my American Literature notes and found that I scribbled down a scripture verse on the top of one of the pages. I had remembered that while reading some Puritan literature they had quoted this certain passage and I wanted to remember; so I decided to revisit it. It brought me to Psalm 46. As I read through the chapter, a certain verse stuck out to me.

"God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, and that right early." - Psalm 46:5

I couldn't help but think of all the different things that I had going on my life. I have just finished up a huge production with my local community theater group, I had homework up to my nose, I had extra hours at work and things kept getting added to the list daily, but as soon as I read this verse I calmed down almost instantly. 

God is in the midst of her. As I was sitting there in that cafe, I thought to myself that I wasn't alone drinking coffee by myself, but God was sitting right besides, my silent partner. He was there to watch over me, to protect me, to guide me and to comfort me. Not only in that moment, but lots of times I think that I am alone and I can't talk to anyone and "no one will understand", so I just tend to bottle things up inside. But, I have come to realize that God knows me better than I know myself and He is the best listener in the world because He knows just whats coming and He can help me like no one else can. He will always understand and be able to say all the right things that I need in that moment if I let him.

She shall not be moved. In a time where people are always in constant motion and multi-tasking is the best thing to do, we are easily moved. But when I am running around from work to class to seeing friends, I know that I always have my feet planted on something solid - Jesus. As long as I have Him in my life, I will never be moved, I will never be shaken. 

I am so blessed to know that I have a God who loves me and is always there for me no matter what happens no matter how many times I fail, mess up or think I am not good enough, He is always there and will always keep me next to Him on solid ground.