Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hungry, and want more?

I married a bible college graduate. Ask Jared anything about the bible and he can quote the verse and scripture. Want to where you can find a certain story? Oh, he knows that too! I called him "bible boy" once and told him its crazy how well he knows the Bible. And then I got convicted; I should know the Bible the same way he does. And I can; if I study His word.

Lately, I have really felt in my heart to start studying who Jesus is, and go deeper in the Bible…. like, read between the verses and actually study the Bible like I would study a  book. “Why?” might you ask? Whenever I talk to someone about God, I want all the facts. I just don’t want to say “Jesus died on the cross for you!” HELLO: Everyone knows that! That’s obvious. But even though He did die on the cross, Jesus did a whole lot more then that. I’ll admit, I don’t know every story told in the bible. But I want too! I want to know of all the wonders and miracles He did!! I want to make sure I know the bible, so when someone asks me a question about God, I can back up my answer with a scripture!

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

That scripture has been on my heart and I wanted to share it with you today. I am motivated to learn about God so I can share all His wonders with people I know. Our job here on earth is to reach the lost. If we ourselves do not have the knowledge of the Bible…then what good are we? As Christians we should be excited to learn and study His word.

I challenge you today, read His word. Study His word! The bible is basically a map for us to follow in life. God has all of us on His path and it’s our job to guide ourselves down the path by following what the bible says. We should be hungry to read His word. His word fills us up. Maybe next time you are actually hungry, instead of driving to get Chinese…open the bible. I bet you anything you won’t be hungry after that!! Read His word and get full!! Then, go tell someone what you learned! Spread his goodness! After all, he did die on the cross for you! ;)

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