Monday, October 28, 2013

Let Go & Let God.

First time I saw that quote was when I was watching an episode of Jersey Shore, believe it or not! Ever since then I started believing that if you truly let go of whatever you are going through in life, God always comes through.

Lately I got a new position at work, which is letting me make more money and work more hours. I know my calling in life is not to work in retail. Jared and I are called to the ministry! We both have had that on our heart before we even started to date. Jared has started to look for a ministry position….(not in RI).  I started doubting our calling for a second. If a church wants us to work for them, Jared will be hired. Not me. I will have to find a job doing God knows what. I got discouraged because I am doing so great here in RI at my new job! Why would I get this promotion when I could potentially leave in a week….a month…who knows! But then God spoke and I shut my mouth. God is showing me I have the ability to become and do anything I want to! I don’t have a college degree and frankly, God is reminding me that I am amazing no matter what.

I might have a great job now, but God has something in store for me that is 10x greater. I just need to “Let go & Let God!” He is in control. He can see the desires of my heart. I know that no matter where we move…..God will have a job waiting there for me. He always takes care of his children! We always just need that reminder once and a while! 

1 comment:

  1. wow needed to hear that thanks for sharing Steph!! xoxo Happy Thanksgiving to all if I don't see you guys tomorrow :]
